Friday, August 27, 2010

Green Egg E-Zine

Home Page - Green Egg E-Zine

Many of us pagans of an *ahem* certain age cut our newly sprouting neo-pagan teeth on Green Egg, and I'm pleased to tell you that the 'zine is now completely free. You can access the back issues for free as well!

Donations to the 'zine are welcome (I subscribed earlier in the year, but will consider my subscription cost a donation as suggested on the site) and there are advertising opportunities available as well.

You can also pick up an anthology of the best of Green Egg in bound book form from Amazon (link left).


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Theologies of Immanence / Fluffy

I posted this link to my Facebook and received a comment that encouraged me to 'educate and enlighten' rather than 'judge and look down on'.

This was my response:

We have all had our fluffy phase. Fluffiness is adorable. I love the shiny new pagans with twinkles in their eyes, and their inexperience doesn't bug me one bit. What bugs me is when people profess to have been pagan for twenty years (or so) or who don the Lady Mucketymuck titles, or who start 'traditions', yet spew the fluffy. It isn't a matter of 'looking down on'. It is a matter of acknowledging that there are those who seek on, read widely, practice deeply, and earn their stripes, and those who content themselves with reading a book or two and claiming lineage, training, knowledge, wisdom, or power that they haven't earned. Inferior understanding *is* inferior. Especially if you *choose* to remain ignorant, which many, many people do.

Those pagans who have been in the trenches, who have had our children removed from our custody based on the fact that we were evil pagans, or lost our jobs, or had to practice in secret for fear of violence or exile from our families get a wee bit weary of the shabby fluffy - you know the kind - pagan forever, initiated at their Grandmother's knee, oh so powerful and capable of leaping tall buildings, and spewing that old yarn about 9 million women and witch burnings in Salem.

IRAB (I Read A Book) pagans have the opportunity to move beyond reading Wicca 101 and into something deeper. It saddens me the numbers I encounter who fail to do so.

Your thoughts?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hecate: Goddess Days, Old & New

Hecate: Goddess Days, Old & New

Incredibly Busy Weekend

Avalon Within: A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery, and Inner WisdomThis weekend, I'm attending the SPARKS Symposium, which is going to be thrilling. It runs from Saturday right through till Sunday evening and it's chock full of amazing workshops given by amazing people. I'm most thrilled by the fact that the Morgen ofThe Sisterhood Of Avalon (of which I am a member) is going to be there, and I get to hear her speak about Avalonian things of great interest to me. Jhenah Telyndru is a fabulous woman who has invested her life in creating a Western Mystery Tradition for women that centers around the Holy Isle of Avalon, and Welsh mythic cycles. It is a gorgeous system, and I am intensely thrilled to be meeting her. I also have three copies of Avalon Within to bring with me to the symposium. I'm fairly certain I can get them signed by the author. Woo! One copy is for me, of course, but the other two? Who knows. *Wink*

Very. Squee.

This will mean that my participation in various things will be curtailed severely until Monday, and even then, I have a room to clean out and make over and a podcast to plan, so yeah...busy.
I didn't want to take off for the entire weekend without checking in with you all, though, so here I am, letting you know I will be mostly AFK! There is a feedback form available on the site, if you want to send some thoughts or comments or questions, and as always, my e-mail inbox is open.

I'm thinking a lot about harvest, since Mabon is coming up (so very rapidly - where is this year going??) and then, Samhain! I always feel a push to rededicating my spiritual life during this time. Spring and Autumn are especially powerful for me.

In thinking about harvest, I'm thinking about what I've manifested through my spiritual work this season. The list is long. Very long. I didn't recognize it as a result of spiritual work, but I've planted, grown and harvested new ways to live an authentic life since I went on hiatus, and it feels really good to take the time to acknowledge that and celebrate it.

This weekend feels like a reward for a lot of hard work done, and I plan to thoroughly enjoy it. :)
I'll see you next week when I return with a full spiritual and creative well, and many exciting things to share with you.

Deep Peace,

P.S. There will be a fabulous, FABULOUS giveaway on the next show. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hello, Lovelies!

One of the smartest things I did when I started SpiritsCast was to have a blog for show notes and a blog for general pagan musings, so I'm reupping this little spot so I can continue to keep my personal opinions, reviews, etc. separate from the Podcast itself. This also gives those of you who are interested in keeping up with me on a day to day basis a place to do that. While is the hub of the show, this little corner will be very handy for those of you have a blogspot and who prefer to keep your online life organized.

I hope you'll follow along as I throw myself headlong into this return to the podwaves.

Love to all,
